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Primates of Africa Unite on Congolese Crisis

The 700-word statement calls Congo’s situation “a profound humanitarian tragedy, marked by violence, displacement, and suffering that affects millions of innocent lives.”

Daily Devotional

Kintsugi God

Daily Devotional • Februrary 19 A Reading from Isaiah 63:15-64:9 15...

Sunday’s Readings

Another Love (Epiphany 7, Year C)

The love that Jesus commands us to express in our lives is truly supranatural. This love is beyond any feeling that comes to us naturally.

Church’s Retiring CFO Honored for Service

Kurt Barnes, who has overseen the church's finances for 21 years, was honored for his leadership, and Executive Council was briefed about the complicated role of the Executive Officer of General Convention and challenges faced by immigrants.

Latest Articles

Help for Dioceses Tops Realignment Plans

Major goals include practical assistance with crisis communication, Title IV, and faster bishop searches, as well as a “reinvention” of General Convention.

Episcopal Migration Ministries: The Work Continues

Sarah Shipman: “The end of federal funding for Episcopal Migration Ministries does not mean an end for EMM — or to the Episcopal Church’s commitment to stand with migrants.”

Executive Council Focuses on Reform

PB Rowe: “Our true power lies not in me making a barrage of statements, or in us collectively reacting to every outrage that the world presents … [but] in a churchwide structure rooted in Christ and in the kingdom principles that can make a strong and effective witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Australian Church Festival Keeps Hope Alive

The Diocese of Adelaide made an early start on Hope25, staging a week-long curtain-raiser, Festival of Hope in Theology and the Arts, on February 10-16.

Synod Rejects Bishops’ ‘Power Grab’ on Episcopal Elections

The Rev. Lis Goddard claimed that proposals to eliminate the secret ballot, lower the election threshold, and give archbishops an extra vote to break ties amounted to “a massive shift in how we operate, shifting the power dramatically to those who already hold the majority of power.”

USAID Freeze Worsens Sudanese Crisis

“Those who were already dependent on USAID are now in crisis. There’s no food, no medicine. People are dying from cholera and malaria…What are they supposed to do?” asked Lina Ajaak of DC’s South Sudanese Community Association.




Books and Culture

A Liberal’s History of Anglican Thought

This account traces theology in England from early sources through the Reformation into a detailed account of the shaping of belief amid the rise of modernity.

A Compassionate Look at a Church’s Collapse

In a style known as immersion journalism, or long-form journalism, Griswold maps out the creation, initial energy, growth, pinnacle, downslide, erosion, and eventual demise of Circle of Hope.

Making Church Unity Tangible

Bishop Pierre Whalon correctly asserts the existence of a “wide gap between what the churches all share in common and how poorly we express that unity.”

Give to The Living Church Foundation

Since 1878, TLC has been committed to the unity of the Church, faithfulness to our common inheritance of faith, and the health of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Give to TLC and show your support for our mission, which includes the only independent news coverage of the Episcopal Church.

Give to The Living Church Foundation

Since 1878, TLC has been committed to the unity of the Church, faithfulness to our common inheritance of faith, and the health of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Give to TLC and show your support for our mission, which includes the only independent news coverage of the Episcopal Church.

More from The Living Church

Title IV Compromise Leads to Earlier Retirement in Easton

Both cases against Bishop Marray have been dismissed, and he will step down a year earlier than planned, a decision "endorsed" by PB Rowe. 15% of the diocese's congregations will have DEPO for the remainder of his ministry.

Church Joins Suit Challenging ICE Raids

Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe: “We are seeking the ability to fully gather and follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves.”

Reformation, Politics, and Friendship with Matthew Riegel

What hath Martin Luther to do with Thomas Cranmer? Explore a fascinating shared history between Anglicans and Lutherans.

Iwerne Camps Scandal Expands to Late Vicar

David Fletcher, who died in January 2022, is accused of being “inappropriately tactile” with women and girls.

‘Penitent’ Church of England Votes on Safeguarding

The Archbishop of York survived a vote of no confidence, and synod members backed a compromise that places the church’s national safeguarding team under independent oversight while leaving diocesan safeguarding in bishops’ hands.

An Episcopus Vagans Who Never Stopped Wandering

In addition to his brief ministry in the Diocese of Fond du Lac in the 1880s, Joseph René Vilatte was, at various points, a Catholic, an Old Catholic, a Methodist, a Presbyterian, and a Congregationalist.

Water and Wilderness Church Combines Nature and Worship

Pete Nunnally: “Water and Wilderness seeks to undo the formation of intentional and unintentional limits that our liturgy has put on what the church is, who God is.”

USAID Shutdown an Opportunity, Kenyan Primate Says

Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit: “Let us be disrupted so that we think properly and manage our resources properly.”

Church Leaders Respond to Deportation Threats

While bishops warn of racial profiling and share legal advice, one Maryland priest has become legal guardian of 15 children from his congregation whose parents are in danger of deportation.

Bishop William Cox Dies at 103

A champion of elder care and rural ministry, Cox was controversially deposed at 87 for “abandoning the communion of this church” when he asked to transfer his episcopal ministry to an Anglican province in South America.


Top headlines. Every Friday.