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Sandra Folts (1942-2024) and Anne Harris (1932-2024)

Two bishops’ wives have died in recent weeks, and both were praised for their warm presence and the lives they led.

Bishop Sanford Hampton (1935-2024)

Bishop Diana D. Akiyama: “He served his fellow bishops in his retirement by collecting our prayer requests and sharing them with the rest of the House of Bishops.”

Langdon, McGehee, Rodman

Remembering the Rev. David Stetson Langdon, Mrs. June Chrystine Stewart McGehee, and the Rev. Canon Edward W. Rodman

Bishop Vincent W. Warner (1940-2024)

While Warner served as bishop, conservatives at two parishes within the Seattle-based diocese praised how he responded to them amid their disagreements with him on sexuality.

Bishop Charles L. Longest (1933-2024)

The Rt. Rev. Charles L. Longest, Bishop Suffragan of Maryland for eight years, died May 28 at 91.

DuBois, Hubbard, Sumners

Remembering Charles H. DuBois, Mavourneen A. Murphy Hubbard, and Charles Abram Sumners III

Freeman, Jackson, Wong

Remembering Norman Reid Freeman Jr., Ira Jackson Sr., and Gloria Lee Wong

Brisbane, Foster, Richards

Remembering Paul Owen Brisbane, Thomas Charles Foster, and Emily Barr Richards

Terry Brown, Bishop in Four Worlds, 1944-2024

“He was a theologian, teacher, and passionate advocate for the Pacific Islands amidst environmental and justice concerns,” Archbishop Linda Nicholls of Canada wrote via email in announcing his death on the evening of Easter Day.

The Rev. Allan B. Warren III, 1947-2024

The Rev. Allan Bevier Warren III, 15th rector of Boston’s Church of the Advent from 1999 to 2019, died in the early evening of Easter Sunday on the 51st anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.

Alonzo, Araica, Salt

Obituaries for the Rev. Mary Lucille (Lucy) Parsons Alonzo, the Rev. Alvaro Araica, and the Rev. Canon Alfred Lewis Salt

Alling, Halsall, Shigaki

Obituaries for the Rev. Roger Alling Jr., the Rev. Michele Halsall, and the Rev. Canon Jerry Shigaki.

The Very Rev. Dr. Alan Jones: Palestrina and Yoga

One of our most charismatic deans, Alan Jones, flourished at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, and it flourished beside him.

Dean Alan W. Jones of San Francisco, 1940-2024

Alan W. Jones was ordained to the priesthood in England and received into the Episcopal Church in 1967.

Garrett, Rom, Twomey

Obituaries for the Rev. Jane N. Garrett, Sister Mary Grace Rom, and Ms. Allison Mary Twomey

Bishop Colin Buchanan (1934-2023)

Colin Buchanan was one of the architects of the Church of England’s Alternative Services Book (1980), which was the first complete revision of the Book of Common Prayer since 1662.

DOK, Diocese of Central Florida Mourn Krisita Jackson

Krisita Anne Jackson was a gifted lay leader whose faith and administrative expertise propelled her into key roles.

Rest in Peace, Rise in Glory, Dec. 13

Obituaries for William D. Nix Jr., Robert Snow, and Sonia E. Waters, and photos for 21 others

Prolific Hymn Poet Rae E. Whitney (1927-2023)

Through her hymns, we learn about this remarkable woman: her care for God’s creation; her commitment to social justice; her scholarly depth; her lifelong interests in church history and ecumenism; her celebration of women’s ministries.

Church Loses Two Retired Mid-Atlantic Bishops

The retired bishops of two Mid-Atlantic dioceses, the Rt. Rev. David Joslin, eighth Bishop of Central New York, and the Rt. Rev. Charlie Fuller McNutt Jr., seventh Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, died a day apart, October 24 and 25.


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