Missa Brevis | Mass Setting

This brand-new Mass setting was composed by Geoffrey Williams, founder of the twice GRAMMY-nominated early music vocal quartet, New York Polyphony, and was commissioned specially by The Living Church. The Missa Brevis is a beautiful and singable Mass setting for congregation and organ/piano for any season of the year.

Purchase Missa Brevis for $19.95 and receive immediate access to a downloadable PDF file of the complete setting, with:

  • Organ (piano) accompaniment.
  • Reprintable files of melodies for the congregation of the Kyrie (Rite I and II; Greek or English), Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei (Latin or English).
  • Permission to reprint as needed, including in bulletins.

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Click here to purchase and your confirmation email will include a link to access the PDF file.