Sunday's Readings
Christ in the World (Pentecost 17, Year B)
September 15 | Pentecost 17, Year B
Prov. 1:20-33 or Isa. 50:4-9a
Ps. 19 or Wis. 7:26-8:1 or Ps. 116:1-8
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
Ask any teacher. Students who...
He Lifts Up the Lowly (Pent. 16, Year B)
Sometimes an ethical injunction that may seem obvious has been passed down precisely because it was once far from obvious.
A New Heart (Pentecost 15, Year B)
Of the many fruits of the Spirit, perhaps nothing is more important than unity, peace, and bonds of love.
A New City (Pentecost 14, Year B)
Our patriarch, Abraham, left everything and all other gods in pursuit of the one true God.
Wisdom’s Beginning (Pentecost 13, Year B)
“Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn her seven pillars” (Prov. 9:1).
Get Up and Eat (Pentecost 12, Year B)
Running for his life, thoroughly exhausted and emotionally spent, Elijah prays for the release of death.
Living Bread (Pentecost 11, Year B)
“Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.”
Food in Due Season (Pentecost 10, Year B)
Jesus stands before a hungry crowd. He has compassion on them.
Shepherd and Cross (Pentecost 9, Year B)
“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture” (Jer. 23:1).
Joy and Glory (Pentecost 8, Year B)
Joy, hope, and wonder spilled out from every human heart in the presence of Almighty God and the mystery of human love.
Power in Weakness (Pentecost 7, Year B)
Ezekiel must rely in the deepest possible way not upon human strength but the strength of God, who raises him to his feet, addresses him, and fills him with the Spirit.
Sorrow and Healing (Pentecost 6, Year B)
In Jesus Christ, we encounter an inner and hidden healing. Sometimes, Christ comes as the God who takes our hand and says, “Little child, get up” (Mark 5:41).
The Storm (Pentecost 5, Year B)
Men who ply their trade in deep waters know that wisdom includes a prudent dose of fear. Moreover, as pious Jews, these men know only one God, who makes the storm and subdues it.
The Least of These (Pentecost 4, Year B)
Your life, though a mere sprig, will be, in God’s time, a noble cedar.
Forms of Love (Pentecost 3, Year B)
We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. In practice, we will get this wrong if we love ourselves inadequately, or excessively, or inordinately..
Light and Beauty (Pentecost 2, Year B)
St. John writes, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
Know the Trinity (Trinity Sunday, Year B)
The Lord Jesus Christ, who is so near us, remains of one substance with the Father and the Holy Spirit, which is to say that the Triune God is near, an indwelling presence in our lives.
New Life (Day of Pentecost, Year B)
We must all at some time feel this: “Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are cut off completely” (Ezek. 37:11).
Trust and Risk (Easter 7, Year B)
The final choice for a new disciple is left instead to what looks like chance, though the disciples trust that the hand of God is at work.
Giving Thanks (Easter 6, Year B)
Writing private devotions never meant to see the light of day, the great 17th-century divine, Lancelot Andrewes, compiled a list of his reasons for gratitude. Let his list inspire ours.
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