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Garwood P. Anderson

Garwood P. Anderson, Ph.D. is the Donald J. Parsons Distinguished Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Nashotah House Theological Seminary and Distinguished Fellow for Biblical Studies and Theology at the Lumen Center of the Steve and Laurel Brown Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin. Previously, Anderson served as the Dean and President of Nashotah House from 2017 to 2024, following ten years as professor of New Testament and Greek at the seminary. His publications include Paul’s New Perspective: Charting a Soteriological Journey. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016.

Elizabeth Anderson

Liza Anderson, PhD is a historical theologian who focuses on the ecumenical history of Christian spirituality, monasticism, and the history of ancient and medieval Christianity outside of Europe. She has held faculty positions in church history and ascetical theology at Episcopal Divinity School, Claremont School of Theology, and General Theological Seminary. She currently lives in Minnesota, where she shares life with the Roman Catholic sisters of Saint Benedict’s Monastery, works for Luther Seminary, and serves as a member of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music and the Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission.

Stephen Andrews

The Rt. Rev. Stephen Andrews, D.D. is the principal and Helliwell Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

Hannah Armidon

The Rev. Hannah Armidon is a priest in the Diocese of Springfield and a Ph.D. candidate in Old Testament and Theology at Wycliffe College, Toronto.

Victor Austin

The Rev. Victor Lee Austin, Ph.D. is theologian in residence for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.

David Barr

The Rev. David Barr, Ph.D. is associate rector at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Nashville, Tennessee.

John Bauerschmidt

The Rt. Rev. John Bauerschmidt, D.Phil. is the 11th Bishop of Tennessee. A native of South Carolina, he was consecrated bishop in 2007.

Christopher Beeley

The Rev. Christopher A. Beeley, Ph.D. has held academic appointments at Yale Divinity School and Duke Divinity School and has served parishes in Connecticut, Indiana, Texas, and Virginia. A patristics scholar, Beeley is the author of several books including Leading God’s People: Wisdom from the Early Church for Today (Eerdmans, 2012).

Tyler Been

The Rev. Tyler Been is curate at Church of the Holy Cross, Dallas.

Kristine Blaess

The Rev. Kristine Blaess, D.Min. is rector at St. Paul’s Church, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Jeff Boldt

The Rev. Jeff Boldt, Th.D. is professor of theology at the Alexandria School of Theology.

Matt Boulter

The Rev. Matt Boulter, Ph.D. is rector of St. George’s Episcopal Church in east-central Austin, Texas.

Will Brown

The Rev. Will Brown is rector of All Saints’, Thomasville, in the Diocese of Georgia. He is a priest of the Society of the Holy Cross, a disciple of René Girard, and the author of A Catechism of Nature: Meditations on Creation’s Primary Realities. For several years he worked in the area of marine fisheries conservation policy. He enjoys spending time with his wife and son, and is an avid hunter and fisherman.

Charlie Clauss

When Charlie and his wife arrived in Colorado Springs in the mid to late 1990s, they joined an Episcopal church. Living in the South, with a Baptist church on every corner, Charlie was a Lutheran. Now living in Minnesota, with a Lutheran church on every corner, he is an Episcopalian.

Tony Clavier

The Rt. Rev. Tony Clavier is a retired bishop.  He previously served parishes in the U.S. but is now in the U.K.

Mark Clavier

The Rev. Mark Clavier, Ph.D. is Canon Theologian of the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon in the Church in Wales, Bishop’s Chaplain, and Vicar of St Mary’s Brecon.

Stewart Clem

The Rev. Stewart Clem, Ph.D. is associate professor of moral theology at Aquinas Institute of Theology (St. Louis) and theologian in residence at The Church of St. Michael & St. George.

Christopher Cocksworth

The Rt. Rev. Christopher Cocksworth, Ph.D. is Dean of Windsor.

Caleb Congrove

Caleb Congrove is a high school teacher in Ohio and a father of three. A layman, he belongs to a Greek Catholic parish.

Michael Cover

The Rev. Michael Cover, Ph.D. is associate professor of theology at Marquette University. A graduate of Harvard, Yale, and the University of Notre Dame, he was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Dallas in 2010, and has served in multiple parishes in Indiana and Wisconsin.

Samuel Cripps

The Rev. Samuel Cripps is the rector of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist in Wausau, Wisconsin.

Abigail Woolley Cutter

Abigail Cutter, Ph.D. is assistant professor of theology at King University, Bristol, TN. She enjoys the music and many trails of Appalachia with her husband and two young children.

Neil Dhingra

Neil Dhingra, a Roman Catholic, is a doctoral student in education at the University of Maryland.

Andrew Goddard

The Rev. Andrew Goddard, D.Phil. is assistant minister at St. James the Less, Pimlico, London and tutor in Christian Ethics at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and Westminster Theological Centre.

David Goodhew

The Rev. David Goodhew, Ph.D. is a visiting fellow of St. Johns College, Durham University, and vicar of St. Barnabas Church, Middlesbrough, England.

Leander Harding

The Very Rev. Leander S. Harding, Ph.D. is dean of the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany, New York. Now in his fourth decade as a priest of the Episcopal Church, he is the author of To Persevere in Love:  Meditations on the Ministerial Priesthood in an Anglican Perspective (Wipf & Stock, 2013). He began his ordained ministry as a tentmaker raising sheep in Northern Maine. Dean Harding plays Blues and Gospel on the harmonica and ukulele and likes messing about in boats.

Cole Hartin

The Rev. Cole Hartin, Ph.D. is associate rector of Christ Church in Tyler, Texas, where he lives with his wife and four sons. He is the author of Anglican Biblical Interpretation in the Nineteenth-Century: A Critical Evaluation as well as a collection of poems What Has Been Left Behind. He is an Ecclesial Fellow at the Center for Pastor Theologians and currently serves on the Primate’s Commission of the Anglican Church of Canada. More of his writing at https://www.colehartin.com/

Carrie Boren Headington

Carrie Boren Headington serves as canon for evangelism for the Diocese of Dallas and consulting evangelist for revivals for the Presiding Bishop. She is the founder of Good News Initiative and adjunct professor of evangelism for Fuller Theological Seminary.

Victoria Heard

The Rev. Victoria R.T. Heard has served parishes in Texas and Virginia.  She formerly served on the staff of the Diocese of Dallas overseeing church planting and congregational development.

Wesley Hill

The Rev. Wesley Hill, Ph.D. is associate professor of New Testament at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. In 2018 he was a member of the St. Augustine Seminar held at Lambeth Palace to prepare resources for the Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Communion in 2022. Dr. Hill is the author of several books including Paul and the Trinity: Persons, Relations, and the Pauline Letters (Eerdmans, 2015) and Spiritual Friendship: Finding Love in the Church as a Celibate Gay Christian (Brazos, 2015).

Justin Holcomb

The Rt. Rev. Justin S. Holcomb, Ph.D. serves as Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida and teaches theology and apologetics for Reformed Theological Seminary.

Christopher Holmes

The Rev. Christopher Holmes, Th.D. is professor of systematic theology in the theology programme at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Jody Howard

The Rev. Canon Joseph B. “Jody” Howard is Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Tennessee.

Jordan Hylden

The Rev. Jordan Hylden, Th.D. is Associate Rector for Christian Education at St. Martin’s, Houston.  Previously, he served churches in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Dallas, and as Canon Theologian for the diocese of Dallas.  He has served as a General Convention deputy and on TEC’s Task Force for Communion Across Difference.  His doctoral work focused on democracy and authority in Catholic social thought.  He and his wife, the Rev. Emily Hylden, make their home in Houston with their three boys Charles, Donnie, and Jacob.

Nathan Jennings

The Rev. Nathan Jennings, Ph.D. is the J. Milton Richardson Associate Professor of Liturgics and Anglican Studies at Seminary of the Southwest.

Jon Jordan

The Rev. Jon Jordan is a priest at Church of the Incarnation, and serves as the headmaster of the Dallas Campus and Theology Department Chair for Coram Deo Academy, a school in the classical Christian tradition.

Richard Kew

The Rev. Richard Kew is priest associate at St. George’s Church, Nashville. He was born and raised in England, was educated at the University of London and London College of Divinity, and was ordained to the priesthood at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, in 1970.

Thomas Kincaid

The Rev. Thomas Kincaid began ordained ministry at Church of the Incarnation in Dallas and was vice rector there from 2015 until 2022.

Graham Kings

The Rt. Rev. Graham Kings, Ph.D. (@GrahamRKings) is honorary assistant bishop in the Diocese of Ely.

Calvin Lane

The Rev. Calvin Lane, Ph.D. is the editor of Covenant. He is the author of two books on the reformation era and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2013. Ordained in 2011, Lane currently serves as associate rector of St. George’s, Dayton, Ohio. He has also taught for various seminaries and colleges, including serving as Affiliate Professor at Nashotah House. Lane served on the General Board of Examining Chaplains, 2018-2024.

Molly Jane Layton

The Rev. Molly Jane (“MJ”) Layton is the associate rector for congregational care and worship at the Parish of Calvary-St. George’s in Manhattan.

Paul Lee

Paul H. Matthew Lee is a seminarian at Wycliffe College, Toronto. Baptized with the name Paul in his childhood according to a Korean Christian custom, he writes under his Christian name for Covenant.

Ben Lima

Ben Lima, PhD, an art historian, served as a lay deputy from the Diocese of Dallas to the 81st General Convention in 2024. He has written about art for many publications, including The Visual Commentary on Scripture and Image Journal. His family are members of Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, where his son is a chorister, and he posts artwork related to the daily and Sunday lectionary readings at @lectionaryart.

Geoffrey Mackey

The Rev. Geoffrey Mackey is the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Parkersburg, WV. Prior to his current assignment, he spent over twenty years in Christian college and seminary contexts in administration, teaching, and student pastoral care. He studied at evangelical, Catholic, and Anglican seminaries and previously served as a parish priest in the Catholic Church’s Byzantine Rite.

John Mason Lock

The Rev. John Mason Lock is rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Red Bank, New Jersey. Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he was nurtured spiritually at St. John’s Cathedral and St. Mark’s on-the-Mesa.

Richard Mammana

Richard Mammana is a lay church historian, author, beekeeper, father, husband, and communicant of S. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia.

Joseph Mangina

Joseph (Joe) Mangina, Ph.D. is professor of theology at Wycliffe College, Toronto.

Daniel Martins

The Rt. Rev. Daniel Martins, D.D. is retired Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Springfield, which encompasses central and southern Illinois.  Among the members of the House of Bishops, he hangs out with the group known as the Communion Partners. He has served parishes in the dioceses of Louisiana, Northern Indiana, and San Joaquin.

Jean McCurdy Meade

The Rev. Jean McCurdy Meade, Ph.D. is a retired priest of the Diocese of Louisiana, formerly the rector of Mount Olivet Church, New Orleans. She resides now in her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, as well as Santa Fe, New Mexico, and New Orleans.

Mark Michael

The Rev. Mark Michael is the editor-in-chief of The Living Church and rector of St. Francis Episcopal Church, Potomac, Maryland. A native of rural Western Maryland, he is a graduate of Duke University and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford.

Neal Michell

The Very Rev. Neal Michell, D.Min. was born in Dallas and grew up in Garland. Until recently, he was Prebendary in the Diocese of Dallas and Dean of St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Dallas.

Jonathan Mitchican

The Rev. Jonathan Mitchican is the chaplain and Theology Department Chair at St. John XXIII College Preparatory in Katy, Texas. He writes about prayer, theology, and Catholic teaching at Contemplative Apologetics.

Esther Mombo

Esther Mombo, Ph.D. is professor at St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya.

Brandt Montgomery

The Rev. Brandt Montgomery, D.Min. is the chaplain of Saint James School in Hagerstown, Maryland and vicar of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (Lappans Road) in Boonsboro, Maryland.

Dane Neufeld

The Rev. Dane Neufeld, Th.D. is the incumbent of St. James, Calgary, and the chair of Canadian Communion Partners.

David Ney

The Rev. David Ney, Th.D. is a native of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. He serves as associate professor of Church history at Trinity Anglican Seminary, in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

Matthew S.C. Olver

The Rev. Matthew S.C. Olver, Ph.D. (Marquette University), is Executive Director and Publisher of The Living Church Foundation and Senior Lecturer in Liturgics at Nashotah House Theological Seminary. His first monograph is forthcoming, The Origin of the Roman Canon Missae (Brepols), and he is writing a volume with Nathan Jennings entitled Turning Points in Prayer Book History: From England, through Scotland, to America (Seabury). He has published and lectured widely in early Christian liturgy and the development of the Book of Common Prayer in journals such as Anglican Theological Review,  Studia Liturgica, Ecclesia Orans, Journal of Early Christian Studies, and the Harvard Theological Review.

Francis Omondi

The Rev. Canon Francis Omondi, PhD serves in the All Saints Cathedral Diocese in the Anglican Church in Kenya and is a canon of Kampala Diocese in the Church of Uganda. He is also a Commissioner at the Anglican Communion Interfaith Commission. He has held appointments in missiology and practical theology at the South African Theological Seminary, the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life in the UK, and at St Paul’s University, Limuru, Kenya..

Chip Prehn

The Rev. Chip Prehn, Ph.D. is an Episcopal priest, independent historical scholar, writer, and poet. He is a principal of Dudley & Prehn Educational Consultants, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, and Charlottesville, Virginia. Prehn serves on the board of The Living Church Foundation.

Sarah Puryear

The Rev. Sarah Puryear lives in Nashville with her family and serves as priest associate at St. George’s Episcopal Church.

Ephraim Radner

The Rev. Ephraim Radner, PhD is Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology at Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto. The author of over a dozen books, Dr. Radner was previously rector of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Pueblo, Colorado. His range of pastoral experience includes Burundi, where he worked as a missionary, Haiti, inner-city Cleveland, and Connecticut.

Steve Rice

The Rev. Steve Rice is the rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, an Anglo-Catholic parish in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and is the founder of the Society of St. Joseph of Arimathea.

Peter Robinson

The Rev. Peter Robinson, Ph.D. is a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada and teaches at Wycliffe College.

Eugene Schlesinger

Eugene R. Schlesinger, Ph.D. is assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Santa Clara University. From 2019 to 2024 he was editor of Covenant.

Samy Shehata

The Rt. Rev. Samy Shehata, Ph.D. was consecrated Archbishop of the Province of Alexandria and Bishop of Egypt in June 2021.

Katherine Sonderegger

The Rev. Katherine Sonderegger, Ph.D. is Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Virginia Theological Seminary.

George Sumner

The Rt. Rev. George Sumner, Ph.D., ordained priest in Tanzania in 1981, is the Bishop of Dallas. He has served in cross-cultural ministry in Navajoland and has a doctorate in theology from Yale. Bishop Sumner is married to Stephanie Hodgkins.

Muthuraj Swamy

The Rev. Muthuraj Swamy, Ph.D. is director of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, Cambridge, and project manager of Theological Education for Mission in the Anglican Communion, based in London.

Philip Turner

The Rev. Philip Turner, Ph.D. is a retired priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. He is the author of a number of books and articles, including Sex, Money, and Power and Christian Ethics and the Church. He has served the Episcopal Church as a missionary, rector, and seminary professor and dean.

Samuel Tranter

Samuel Tranter, D.ThM., is Academic Dean at Cranmer Hall, St John’s College, in Durham, England, and an Honorary Research Fellow of Durham’s Department of Theology and Religion.  A lay Anglican, he teaches and writes about theology and ethics and has served in theological education across the UK and in South-East Asia.

Jonathan Turtle

The Rev. Jonathan Turtle is rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Orlando, Florida.

Kino Vitet

The Rev. Kino Vitet is rector of the Church of St. Mark in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Joseph Wandera

The Rt. Rev. Joseph Wandera, Ph.D. is Bishop of Mumias, Kenya.

Christopher Wells

Christopher Wells, Ph.D. is Director of Unity, Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion.

Paul Wheatley

The Rev. Paul D. Wheatley, Ph.D. is assistant professor of New Testament at Nashotah House Theological Seminary.

Barbara White

The Rev. Barbara White serves as associate rector for worship and formation at St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

Clint Wilson

The Rev. Clint Wilson is rector of St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He has a passion for worship, leadership development, and church unity, and serves on the board of TLC, the Board of Governors for the Anglican Centre in Rome, and chairs the American Friends of the ACR.

Terry Wong

The Rev. Canon Terry Wong is the vicar of Marine Parade Christian Centre in the Diocese of Singapore.

Jeremy Worthen

The Rev. Canon Jeremy Worthen, Ph.D. is the team rector of Ashford Town Parish in the Diocese of Canterbury.

Christopher Yoder

The Rev. Christopher Yoder serves as rector of All Souls’ Episcopal Church in Oklahoma City.

Mark Ardrey Graves

Mark Ardrey-Graves, DMA, serves as Assistant Professor of Church Music and Organist-Choirmaster of the Chapel of the Apostles at the School of Theology of the University of the South (Sewanee). He holds degrees in musicology/historical performance practice, divinity, and choral conducting. Prior to his post at Sewanee, Mark served parishes in North Carolina and Virginia as organist & choirmaster. He served on the Task Force for Prayer Book and Liturgical Revision of the Episcopal Church during the 2018 – 2020 triennium, and is active in the Association of Anglican Musicians and Royal School of Church Music in America.