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About Us

The Living Church Foundation is a ministry of unity that champions the catholic and evangelical faith by supporting and resourcing the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion through our publications, programs, and products. A 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization, TLC is a foundation governed by members of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion and was founded in 1878.

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The Magazine
Our flagship publication, The Living Church magazine has been in continuous publication since 1878. Each of our monthly issues includes news and commentary on the issues of the day, reflections on ministry and theology, obituaries and ministry transitions, and commentary on the Sunday lectionary. Our website publishes all the contents of the print magazine along with daily online-exclusive content and an archive of past issues. Click here to subscribe.

Print Media
Since 1983, TLC has published The Episcopal Musician’s Handbook, the essential tool for assisting clergy, musicians, and laity in preparing meaningful worship in the Anglican tradition. Anglicans Believe is a series of pamphlets focused on classic topics of Anglican theology, such as faith, prayer, and the Eucharist, that are also available for free download in Spanish. The Living Church Books presents historical and theological materials and pastoral resources for Anglican and other Christian readers.

Covenant: TLC’s Online Journal
Without peer in the Anglican Communion as an online locus of sound teaching and deep formation in Christian faith and catholic unity, Covenant is an online journal that publishes an article every weekday from a team of about 40 invited contributors and guest writers. Founded as a blog in 2007, Covenant took its place within the ministry of the Living Church Foundation in 2009.

The Podcast
Our twice-monthly podcast features a regular compendium of interviews and discussions at the intersection of faith, culture, and Anglican life. Tune in here, on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Digital Resources

  • The Living Word Plus is a paid subscription containing sermon resources to help engage the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. Each week, subscribers receive at least three contemporary sermons from gifted preachers around the world; excerpts from classic homiletical, theological, and devotional texts; and articles on relevant themes from the archives of The Living Church magazine and Covenant, TLC’s online journal. A free version is also available.
  • Illuminations is a lector’s aid for Sunday worship to encourage congregational comprehension. Our weekly downloadable PDF guides provide concise introductions to the lessons, as listed in the Prayer Book Lectionary and Revised Common Lectionary. Subscriptions are available monthly and yearly.
  • TLC’s Daily Devotional provides a free meditation on one of the Scripture lessons from the Daily Office Lectionary of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, delivered to your inbox each morning. Subscribe here.
  • The Weekly from TLC delivers the top articles from The Living Church and Covenant every Friday. Subscribe here.
  • Books and Culture is a monthly newsletter with book, film, and culture reviews from TLC. Subscribe here.

TLC hosts public conferences, seminars, courses, teaching days, and webinars in partnership with congregations, dioceses, and churchwide institutions, both at home and abroad. Anglican identity, the call to Christian unity, and reconciliation are areas of special focus. Learn more about our upcoming events here.

Financial Support
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, more than half of TLC’s revenue comes from contributions from hundreds of individuals, parishes, dioceses, and institutions, including Our Partners. The remainder comes from subscriptions, The Episcopal Musician’s Handbook and other resources, and advertising.

Latest Articles

USAID Shutdown an Opportunity, Kenyan Primate Says

Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit: “Let us be disrupted so that we think properly and manage our resources properly.”

Church Leaders Respond to Deportation Threats

While bishops warn of racial profiling and share legal advice, one Maryland priest has become legal guardian of 15 children from his congregation whose parents are in danger of deportation.

Bishop William Cox Dies at 103

A champion of elder care and rural ministry, Cox was controversially deposed at 87 for “abandoning the communion of this church” when he asked to transfer his episcopal ministry to an Anglican province in South America.

Diocese of Cape Town Mishandled Smyth Allegations

A Panel of Inquiry faulted the church’s failure to pass on allegations about the serial abuser to an evangelical congregation he joined in 2014, and said that failures in implementing its safeguarding system leaves congregants at risk.

Prayer Book Society Renews Dakota Hymnal

Bishop Jonathan H. Folts: “By using Dakota hymnals, we aim to honor and uphold Native cultural understandings and theology.”

Accord Urged in Cases Against Bishop Howard

Two cases against retired Bishop Samuel Johnson Howard hinge on whether the bishop and the Presiding Bishop can agree on an accord. Failing that, the cases move to public hearings on April 30.

Sean Rowe Seated as 28th Presiding Bishop

“We need to find the face of Christ in the faces of marginalized,” Bishop Rowe said, adding that in Christ’s kingdom, “the people at the edge are in the center.”

Calvin Robinson Loses License After Parody

The Anglican Catholic Church revoked the conservative Anglican provocateur’s license after he ended a speech with a gesture mimicking Elon Musk’s. He described it “dry British wit.”

Bishop Pleads for Peace in Congo

The bishop urges other parties to intervene in the long-suffering nation. His five-point plea ends simply: “People in the region want only peace.”

Liverpool Bishop Retires Amid Sexual Accusations

The Rt. Rev. Bev Mason of Warrington, who served with Perumbalath as the Diocese of Liverpool’s only suffragan, has revealed that she was the bishop who complained of sexual harassment.