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Church Life


‘While Ludlow Tower Shall Stand’: St. Laurence, Ludlow, Shropshire

The gateway to the Western Marches, Ludlow was an important frontier town.

Into the Light of Things: Caring for God’s Creation

To read William Wordsworth’s The Prelude is to discover anew, in our memories and “spots of time,” the joy and reverence we have for the natural world.

Losing My Religion

“They’ve been moving on and on. Getting further apart. They’re so far off by now that they could never think of coming to the...

God, Beauty, and Architecture

There is a uniquely problematic desire to build for the divine in the very human world of architecture.

Christ Church Riverdale Builds on a 160-Year History

“There’s no magic bullet for growth,” said the Rev. Emily Anderson Lukanich, rector. “We experienced the growth from 2017, but with a change in leadership.”

A Parish Grows in Brooklyn

Ben DeHart looks at St. John’s as a “198-year-old startup,” and he says church attendance has been steadily rising.

‘Youth Are the Church Now’

This week hundreds of young people have descended on Louisville, Kentucky, for the 81st General Convention. Here are a few of those emerging leaders.

¡Todos son bienvenidos!

Six Mexican Parishes that Offer Services in English When many Americans took longer summer holidays, Episcopalians often attended one of the many seasonal chapels dotting...

Curry Tribute: A Genuine Pastor

Bishop Curry’s accomplishments, inspirational sermons, sage wisdom, and steady urging to follow in the ways of Jesus are already filling books on our shelves.

Curry Tribute: A Gracious Heart

In his presence and actions, he was demonstrating, as he said earlier that day in his dynamic sermon, that “Jesus turns the world upside down.”

Curry Tribute: A Beacon of Light and Life

Bishop Curry has a deep and wide-ranging giftedness — of passion for the gospel, justice among people and peoples, and collegiality — which has been honed over 45 years of ordained ministry.

Young Clergy Connect, Learn in Manhattan

About 70 young Episcopal clergy and seminarians gathered in New York on May 9 and 10 to learn from the Presiding Bishop, seven serving bishops, and other senior leaders about their common calling.

Children, Hope, and Our Declining Churches

This review discusses suicide. P.D. James’s dystopian novel, The Children of Men, describes an unnerving world in which humanity suddenly and collectively loses the ability...

The ‘E-Word,’ Part Two

In part one I made the case that evangelism and salvation must be reunited in our thinking. A part of the core nature of...

The ‘E-Word’

A rector tells the story of publicizing an adult forum that she called “The E-word.” She didn’t tell her class members what the E-word was,...

Thoughts on Church Scandal

You may be surprised to learn that the word scandal does not occur in the most common English translations of the Bible. And yet...

New Life for Albany’s Guild House

A diverse group of stakeholders is organizing and raising funds to restore the long-vacant Memorial Guild House at Albany’s Cathedral of All Saints, empty and disused since 1978.

Using ‘Three Threes’ to Discuss Hard Topics

"Oh, we don’t talk about that …” This spring, the Parents’ Group at the parish I serve (St. Paul’s in Murfreesboro, Tenn.) undertook a Christian...

Foolishness to the Clowns

In St. Mary’s Chapel at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, near the back on the epistle side, is a window commemorating the late Michael Ramsey,...

Making People Want to Listen to your Sermon

This essay is adapted from Neal’s forthcoming book, How to Hit the Ground Running: A Quick-start Guide for Congregations with New Leadership, Revised, scheduled...


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