The Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, Bishop of Connecticut, announces the death of a predecessor, the Rt. Rev. Arthur E. Walmsley:
I write with sad news. Our dear friend and bishop, the Rt. Rev. Arthur E. Walmsley, 12th Bishop Diocesan of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, died peacefully at his home in Deering, New Hampshire early this morning. Bishop Walmsley had been struggling with a bad case of pneumonia for the last few weeks. He had recently returned home from the hospital and was being cared for by his loving wife and companion in ministry, Roberta. He was 89 years old.
… Arthur, together with Roberta, cared deeply for the clergy and their families in Connecticut as pastor and counselor.
Arthur will be remembered not only for his profound and far-reaching ministry in Connecticut, but also for his work in ecumenical affairs, social justice, and racial reconciliation in a variety of positions including in the Department of Social Relations at the Episcopal Church Center in New York and as Director of the Massachusetts Council of Churches. After resigning as Bishop Diocesan, Arthur had a far-reaching vocation as a spiritual director for lay people and clergy alike, as Episcopal Visitor to the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge, MA, and co-founder of Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation.