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1/12 Issue Online

The January 12 Parish Ministry issue of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.

In our cover story, Tom Middleton profiles two Church of England bishops being widely discussed as potential successors to Archbishop Justin Welby, Graham Usher of Norwich and Guli Francis-Dehqani of Chelmsford, as well as a few dark horses and the church’s internal dynamics that may surface in selecting a new spiritual leader for the Anglican Communion.

In the news section, Mark Michael introduces major proposals for revisions to the Anglican Communion’s best-known description, as well as structural change that minimizes the Archbishop of Canterbury’s role. Lynn Carter-Edmands summarizes some changes to the Episcopal Church’s disciplinary canons now coming into effect.

Features look at issues related to congregational leadership: the widely varying assessments that congregations pay to dioceses and how they affect local ministry; the gifts that Latino Episcopalians bring to the church; and unquestioned prejudices and assumptions about clergy and disability.

We profile churches helping their communities by constructing low-income housing on their properties and stewarding an old-growth forest in Virginia. Greta Gaffin shares the colorful, chaotic tale of Rene Vilatte, a onetime priest of the Diocese of Fond du Lac (among many other churches), beneath whose consecrated hands dozens of questionable denominations sprang to life.

All this plus more news, features, book reviews, People & Places, and Sunday’s Readings, from our independent voice serving the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion since 1878. Consider subscribing today.



  • Parishes Say ‘Yes, in God’s Back Yard’ | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
  • What’s a Fair Share? | By Lauren Anderson-Cripps
  • Cripping the Clergy: Embracing Disability | By Mary Grace DuPree
  • Embracing Latino Spirituality | By Omar Cisneros
  • Virginia Church Inducted into Old-Growth Forest | By Cara Meredith
  • Who Might Be the Next Archbishop of Canterbury | By Tom Middleton
  • An Episcopus Vagans Who Never Stopped Wandering | By Greta Gaffin


  • A Three-Day Work Week: The Life of One Priest | By John Mason Lock

Books & Culture

  • Circle of Hope | Review by Neva Rae Fox
  • Being Here and Invocation | Review by Phoebe Pettingell
  • How Far to the Promised Land | Review by Brandt L. Montgomery

Other Departments

  • Sunday’s Readings | By Chuck Alley
  • People & Places


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