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New: 12/20 TLC Online

The December 20 Christmas Issue of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.

The cover story by Charles Hoffacker explores the life of King Wenceslas, the 10th-century Bohemian duke and martyr — and of John Mason Neale, the 19th-century English priest who wrote the beloved Christmas carol.

Continuing a longtime tradition, the staff and friends of TLC offer dozens of suggestions for Christmas gifts. Homemade granola, anyone?

Jesse Masai describes efforts by the Church of Ceylon to combat the problem of fatherless children in war-torn Sri Lanka.

In the news, Kirk Petersen reports on factual errors in the Hearing Panel report on Bishop William Love, and Mark Michael describes a very narrow advance by same-sex marriage advocates in the Anglican Church of Australia.

Neva Rae Fox has two pandemic articles, about innovations in diocesan conventions, and how Advent and Christmas will look different this year.

TLC continues exploring the saints newly introduced in Lesser Feasts & Fasts 2018, with James Stambaugh’s vignettes on Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica.

In the Ethics column, E.S. Kempson uses the pandemic travails of the modern hospitality industry as a springboard to examine biblical accounts of hospitality — both the blessings and the shadow side.

In Cultures, Dennis Raverty transports us to Rome for a critical appreciation of a sixth-century Madonna Hodegetria, one of the world’s oldest icons.

In Cæli enarrant, Christopher Wells traces the 142-year history of TLC, with the vision then and now of working toward the visible unity of the body of Christ on earth.

All this plus more news, book reviews, People & Places and more, from an independent voice covering the Episcopal and Anglican world since 1878. Consider subscribing today.


  • Healing for Sri Lanka’s Fractured Families


  • The Lights of the World
    Jan. 5: Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica,
  • Gift Ideas from Friends of The Living Church
  • Ye Who Now Will Bless the Poor
    By Charles Hoffacker


  • The Challenge and Joy of Christ-Like Hospitality
    By E.S. Kempson


  • Incarnational Abstraction in an Ancient Icon
    Review by Dennis Raverty


  • The Incarnation: Rediscovering Kenotic Christology
    Review by Mac Stewart
  • Revolutionary: Who Was Jesus? Why Does He Still Matter?
    Review by O.C. Edwards, Jr.


  • Cæli enarrant
  • People & Places
  • Sunday’s readings


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