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Martha and Mary

Adapted from a sermon given on the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost at All Souls’, Oklahoma City  By Christopher Yoder They say there are two kinds of...

Oikos: Toward a Theology of Work

Using Christian principles to operate a home-improvement company.

Working from Home: A Rule of Life

Now, as we are hunkered down due to COVID-19, they can be a good reminder of our own need, as human creatures, to create meaningful order and to be ordered, to refuse to return to the chaos from which creation was originally pulled and shaped.

Priests are not paid to do anything

Priestly work cannot be measured in terms of a task.

Should priests be paid to pray?

Are daily rounds of prayer something that ought to be offered “off the clock,” rather than as part of the job?

Details matter: On the disciplines

True vocation, true work, is not a distraction from something more important.

Secular holiness, or how to be happy in the zombie apocalypse

“Modern life feels rather undead.”

The work of a preposition

Our daily work has a place to live, and that place is nested within God's own labor.


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