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West Bank

Jewish Leader ‘Troubled’ by Welby Op-Ed on Holy Land

Britain’s most influential Jewish organization called for a meeting with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to discuss “deeply troubling” portions of an op-ed about the plight of Israel’s Palestinian Christians that he co-wrote for the December 19 Sunday Times.

Council Screens Out Three Companies Over Human Rights

The Executive Council has placed three companies -- Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions and the Israel Discount Bank -- on a no-buy list because of the...

5 Lessons from an Interfaith Journey to Israel

This past January I traveled to Israel with a group of 20 clergy. Our group included four rabbis, two imams, two Roman Catholics, and a diverse range of Protestant pastors.

Panel Hears Divestment Debate

Resolution calls for divestment from companies doing business on the West Bank.


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