An Ecumenical Priesthood
The Spirit of God and the Structure of the Church
By Karl Rahner
Translated with a critical introduction by Jakob Karl Rinderknecht
Fortress, pp. 100,...
During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, when many of us turn our attention to the twin subjects of ecumenism and ecclesiology, it is helpful to hear a variety of voices on the nature of the church, especially pertaining to baptism.
Just recently I, along with five leaders from the parish I serve (including the rector), returned from a week-long, missional adventure in beautiful Guatemala.
Though I find myself today a Byzantine rite priest in communion with Rome, it was in the Anglicanism of my youth that I was formed in many important and providential ways.
Today is the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, the complementary bookend to the Confession of St. Peter, which was a week ago. This eight-day period each January is known as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.