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Christian Vocation: A Call in the Night or a Call from a Friend

By Jean McCurdy Meade On the Second Sunday After the Epiphany, the Old Testament reading was 1 Samuel 3:1-10, and the gospel was John 1:43-51....

Meaninglessness in the Time of COVID-19

By Landon Moore  The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a terrible toll on the world's economy, as well as on our relationships, mental health, and lives...

The Hidden Lives of the Church’s Religious (Part Two)

The external witness of vowed religious — habits, cloister, the Opus Dei (the daily round of psalms, hymns, and collects recited in chapel) — are the first things Christians notice about the monastics among them. But, of course, that is not the whole story of the charism and fruit of the religious life

The Hidden Lives of the Church’s Religious (Part One)

Why have so many religious communities determined that the distinctive separation of religious men and women from the laity is a problem to be erased?

Marriage: Gift and Vocation

In all the conflicted debates over the past years regarding sexuality, churches have often forgotten the simple and privileged task of witnessing to and commending the married life. It’s something worth doing.

Theologies of Discernment: Call or Charism?

We might faithfully do a great many things in our lives, including changing occupations. Because our lives are not monolithic, neither should our discernment be. The idea that God issues a single vocation to each of us does not seem consonant with the experience of most Christians

A Grace Peculiar: Toward a Theology of Vocation

The peculiar Christlike shape that one’s life thus takes on is one’s vocation. And vocation is the outworking of grace in the life of a human being.

Lay Ministry as a Manifestation of Baptism

In studying confirmation, though, I grew more and more certain of one truth: I had already received every gift and commissioning I needed for ministry in baptism.

Valuing the Vocation of Lay Ministers

When someone asks me about priestly ordination, the underlying message is that the work that I am currently doing would be more valuable or whole if it were performed by a priest.

“Tend My Flock”: The Pastoral Core of Ordained Ministry

I regularly hear fellow priests talk about how their principal responsibilities are to plan and execute Sunday worship. Lay people can visit the sick members of their parishes, they tell me. After all, priests are trained for other things.


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