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Questions Only the Church Can Ask

By David Barr Michael Polanyi famously pointed out in the 1950s that the subjectivity of scientific research occurs precisely in the way it is conducted...

“In Him All Things Hold Together”: A Theological Meditation for Aspiring Christian Universities

The call to realize our identity as a Christian university is a great challenge, but it is also liberating, because it means that we don’t need to compete with the publicly-funded, provincial universities. This is good news, because we simply do not have the economic, infrastructural, and even personal resources to do the public research university thing better than they do it. But ... in the person of Christ and in the powerful presence of the Spirit who leads God’s people into all truth, we do have the potential to become something that public, secular universities cannot be:  a university in the true sense of the word, united in the uni veritas, the one or whole truth that holds together in the living Christ.

‘We Have Saved Saint Augustine’s’

Saint Augustine’s University, the Episcopal Church’s oldest historically black university, will remain open and return to good standing with accreditors.

The Dread Spirit of the Age

This bundle of ideas — nihilism, atheism, the need to create our values, the reduction of everything to power — lies behind much that is deeply problematic in our time.

Campus Chaplains Honored

Three chaplains have received campus ministry awards from the Episcopal Church.


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