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Sean Rowe: ‘I See Significant Changes’

The Presiding Bishop-Elect brings a deep reservoir of Episcopal experience to his coming role.

Bishops Finish on Structure

The House of Bishops settled structural proposals during its final session of the 78th General Convention.

Then There Were Two

House of Bishops completes vast reduction of church’s standing commissions.

No Firing Power for Council

Deputies took an assertive step to preserve the presiding bishop’s executive power.

Does One Body = One Mind?

Sally Sedgwick: “If your boss is sitting there and you don’t agree … very often you will not say anything.”

The Church substantial and the Church national

As General Convention nears, we find ourselves in a season of “re-imagining” the Church. The truth is this: the parish, the diocese, and the communion abide.

From Crisis to Renewal

The renewal of the Church and of Creation will require people who know in their bones that the path to life leads through sacrifice and death.

From crisis to renewal: the Episcopal Church and all Creation

The renewal of the Church and of Creation will require people who know in their bones that the path to life leads through sacrifice and death.

TREC Offers Free Courses

The Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church is offering three free courses through ChurchNext.

Searching for light: another word on TREC

Larger ecclesiastical structures are of course inevitable, but they aren’t of much interest until it’s clear what difference they make on the front line.


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