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the word

Sermon for A New Life

A sermon preached at the wedding of Christopher and Laura Wells on December 28, 2022.  By Will Brown What a joy it is to be here...

Christian Teaching in a Post-Literate Society

By Abigail Woolley Cutter Readers of Covenant are, it’s safe to say, readers of many other things as well. Not only blog essays, news stories,...

Through the Word: On Dialogue

"I was today years old when I learned…” is a cheeky axiom in today’s world of TikTok/Instagram Reels, etc. This saying signals a paradigm shift,...

Sunday Liturgy Without A Priest: Part Two (Morning Prayer and Antecommunion)

As increasing numbers of parishes are left without the services of a priest, decisions about how to celebrate the liturgy on Sundays loom ahead....

I’m Done with Content, and You are Too

By David Barr The consumption of digital content is now an immensely important topic for all of us. In the wake of a pandemic still...

This Also Is Thou: Neither Is This Thou

By William N. McKeachie The most esoteric of the Inklings, Charles Williams, used the adage serving as the title of this essay as the epigraph...

A Tale of Two Sermons

By Calvin Lane For Martin Luther, preaching the “word” meant a living message. “It is a wonderful thing,” Luther wrote, “that the mouth of every...

Interpreting a Strange New World

Rather than acting as a signpost to the strange new world of Scripture, the sermon all-too-often obstructs our view of the Bible’s terrain. We have lost sight of the strange; our pews remain fixed in the familiar.

Of Pulpits and Preaching

The dignity of the pulpit, whether it is centrally located or off to one side, reflects the importance of the preaching office in the life of the Church.

Proclaiming a Strange New World

Barth asked: What sort of country is spread before our eyes when we throw the Bible open?


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