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the trinity

The Love of the Father

The first few months of parenthood are unlike any other season of life. Emotions swing from joy and wonder to anxiety and concern, and...

Trinity, Technocracy, and Grace: Thoughts Occasioned by Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer

In Christopher Nolan’s summer blockbuster movie Oppenheimer, the renowned physicist (played by Cillian Murphy) is twice heard quoting religious texts. One of these is...

A Twenty-First Century Anglican Divine

Systematic Theology, Volume 2 The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity Processions and Persons By Katherine Sonderegger Fortress, pp. 416, $49 Tucked away near the end of Praying...

The Trinity in the Old Testament

By Jeff Boldt Modern Christians wrongly tend to view the Old Testament as the record of a religion that Christianity replaced. Not only does this...

The Holy Trinity: Indwelling the Mystery

By Chip Prehn The Church the world over celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity on Sunday, May 30th. What used to be called “the...

Keeping the Catholic Faith

By Bryan Owen Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep...

The Evangelical Edge

 This is the second of three reflections on hierarchy. Part one is here. By Christopher Wells Digging deeper into the origins of hierarchy, one comes to...

The Eternal Processions and the Triune Formula

Every Sunday, by their recitation of the Nicene Creed, Anglicans confess belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In many ways, the creed...

The Creed as God’s Story and Ours

Here, in this story, we become unified as forgiven sinners, awaiting the return of our savior and the redemption of the world.

God, Sexuality, & Knots: Sarah Coakley’s théologie totale (a personal appropriation)

Over the course of this extended discussion, did any of us change our mind on any of the issues? Even though we did see how gender politics, trinitarian theology, and our own experience of desire are all connected in a thorny knot, at the end of the day, no, we did not, any of us, change our mind on the issues at hand.


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