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the Mass

Doctrine Develops, and So Does Liturgy

By Jonathan Mitchican One of the biggest intellectual challenges to my journey into full communion with the Catholic Church was the idea that doctrine develops....

Daily Mass

By Sam Keyes It took me some time to understand the idea of daily Mass. I knew, back in my time as a Catholic-minded Anglican,...

A report on ad orientem in a local parish

I have followed Covenant’s dueling blog posts about the ad orientem debate, since we have the issue before us in the parish I am serving: St Luke's in Catskill, New York. In most refitted liturgical spaces, the message of iconoclasm and abandonment is unavoidable. Over the years I have come to find this visual message a poignant embarrassment.

Why we do this

Receiving the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is treated like a weekly Pill by some of us.

Dress for the Banquet

Something is required of us before we participate in Holy Communion.


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