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The Living Church Foundation

TLC Honors Christopher Wells for His Service

After 13 years as head of The Living Church Foundation, Wells will become director of unity, faith, and order for the Anglican Communion

The Living Church Foundation Chooses New Leaders

The Living Church announces a five-year strategic plan and elects five new members to the foundation.

In Gratitude to TLC’s Generous Partners

An annual introduction to the churches, dioceses and organizations that help make TLC possible.

Living Church Foundation Elects New Leaders

Episcopal priests Christine Blaess, Marguerite Steadman and Kino Vitet, and Kenyan bishop Joseph Wandera were elected to terms on the the Living Church Foundation, which oversees The Living Church and Covenant.

TLC Foundation Elections

The board of directors of the Living Church Foundation Inc. has elected the Rt. Rev. John C. Bauerschmidt, Bishop of Tennessee, as president.

Sanctified wealth

"You cannot serve God and wealth." But God has an inheritance for us. And surely our institutions and their wealth are part of this, as they are placed in the service of sanctification, holiness, by God’s grace.


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