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the enemy


By John Bauerschmidt Enmity is defined as “deep-seated unfriendliness accompanied by readiness to quarrel or fight; hostility; antagonism” (Funk & Wagnall’s Standard College Dictionary). As...

TBT: Editorial, ‘Love your enemies’

In the April 26, 1942, issue of The Living Church, C.P. Morehouse's editorial urged the Allies to "a victory of righteousness, not merely a victory of arms."

I love Donald Trump

I love Trump with my whole heart, mind, and soul.

Ministry in enemy-occupied territory

We are engaged in a ministry under occupation. America is occupied; Africa is occupied; the world is occupied.

The enemies of the Cross

How have we set ourselves up as enemies of the Cross? In what ways have we avoided the suffering which establishes community?

What’s love got to do with it?

A few days ago I attended the annual meeting of the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis. One speaker spoke of the role of love in recovery.

The enemies of the cross

“For many walk as enemies of the cross of Christ...” We have now entered Holy Week and have begun our intense contemplation of the passion...


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