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Limiting free speech? The Church’s response to pornography

"While the production and use of pornography has always been a problem, in recent years its impact has grown exponentially, in large part due to the Internet and mobile technology. Some have even described it as a public health crisis."

Anglican chiropractics

The overuse of technology isn't just a temptation to escape from the present.

Bruce Jenner and wild onions: technophilic introspection and the data of nature

The narrow world of public discourse in the United States has recently been consumed by the spectacle of Bruce Jenner purporting to turn himself into a woman.

Apple, TEC announce joint venture

The new partnership aims to redefine the way Christian discipleship is done, address intractable demographic trends in the Episcopal Church, and catalyze technology-led ecclesial change.

I’m going to shrive you

We do not understand the technology of our redemption. Is the sign of the cross any more "magical" than my iPhone? On a psychological level, it is probably less so.

Curiosity’s children

I wonder if the unencumbered thirst for knowledge that is so glorified in our culture has brought with it an inclination towards vice, or a particular kind of vice, that might otherwise go under the radar.

The age of too much information

Fewer and fewer places boast the community necessary for raising and sustaining people of integrity.


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