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What Roy Gets About Worship

By Mark Michael On that sweltering morning last July when we held our first service of pandemic-season public worship at Saint Francis, Potomac, Roy was...

Churches Seek Technological Solutions

“Our denomination is so far behind the rest of the world on this stuff that we don’t have a way of understanding who’s coming to our websites."

The Loss of Ritual in Coronatide

A version of this was originally presented August 20, 2020, as part of a webinar on the role of Liturgy and Music in Formation,...

The Flesh of the Mystical Body (Part 1)

By Paul (H. Matthew Lee) A quarter of a year has passed since the pandemic hit in the Western world, and most Anglican churches have...

On Watching Our Language

By Sarah Cornwell In the United States, we are living in a time of anger and fear. You may have felt some measure of this...

The Decline of Celebrity Pastors

Contemporary evangelicalism has always been adept at using technology to advance its missionary outreach. The latest iteration of this aptitude has been the way...

The Grace of Being Seen

By Paul Kolbet A lot of us are feeling unhappy right now. There is nothing wrong with that. Being happy during a pandemic may not be...

The Questions that Remain

By Ephraim Radner I’m glad some folks took time to read my little piece, raising the question of whether live-streaming worship is a good. It...

On Live-Streaming, Maternity, and Infantilization: Responses to Ephraim Radner

Editor's Note: Covenant aspires to be a forum for substantive theological reflection within and for the Church. The following essays, which respond in various ways...

Against Virtual Communion

By George Sumner Since the rubrics clearly prohibit remotely consecrating bread and wine, the question of virtual communion is not one which could lead to...


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