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AI — Not Made in the Image & Likeness of God

A unique feature of Anglican life in the United Kingdom is that 26 Church of England diocesan bishops sit in the House of Lords,...

No Regrets After Leaving Social Media

About a year ago, I wrote about my decision to leave behind social media. I can say that the decision has been unequivocally positive....

Consecrated Reading

I was blessed to be raised by a mother and father who loved the Lord. If I woke up early enough, it was a certainty...

Paideia for Preachers: An Introduction

Peter Kreeft’s brilliant book The Best Things in Life imagines what would happen if Socrates were to visit a modern university campus. This short...

A Stewardship Lesson from an Unlikely Source

As a “geriatric millennial”/last of Gen X, I was unusual in the 1980s and 1990s for never getting into video games. Yes, of course...

Tobacco and Twitter: What One Can Teach Us About the Other

Tobacco use was once so prevalent and socially acceptable that we could hardly imagine a world without it. Now it’s by and large exiled...

Trinity, Technocracy, and Grace: Thoughts Occasioned by Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer

In Christopher Nolan’s summer blockbuster movie Oppenheimer, the renowned physicist (played by Cillian Murphy) is twice heard quoting religious texts. One of these is...

The Ethical Problem With AI Might Be Different Than You Think

In light of the recent position taken by the Roman Catholic Church on the ethics and use of Artificial Intelligence, and the contrasting dearth...

Artificial Intelligence: Coming Soon to a Church Near You!

By Nicholas Knisely and Kirk Smith A.I., or Artificial Intelligence, is a topic we are hearing much about recently. Television specials tout its promises and...

Setting the Believers an Example: Strategy and Tactics in Online Seminary Education

By Hannah W. Matis I appreciated Kirk Smith’s recent piece, published on this blog, on his tenure as the interim dean of CDSP and the several...


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