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Loving the Bible, Part 2: Teaching Others to Love Scripture

Editor’s Note: This is the second of two essays on loving scripture. The first is here. Because I did not receive good biblical formation as...

Bring Your Bible to Class — or Church

As I prepare to begin my 10th year as a seminary professor, I’m going to begin the biblical capstone class I’ll be teaching by...

A Grateful End

My time as blog editor seems to have run its course.

Psalm 23 and a Biblical Imagination for Catechesis

The Church Fathers invite us to teach the faith in ways that emerge out of patient readings and re-readings of Scripture.

Keep These Words in Your Heart

My three-year-old son poured water over my hand with a little shell, anointed my hand with some olive oil in the sign of the cross, and handed me a candle — over and over and over again.

Rebuilding a culture of teaching and learning

In the early church, instruction of the mind and the conversion of the heart were not alternatives, but two sides of the same coin.

Teachers and learners: Catching the kingdom together

We "catch" our religion from one another; we join our teachers in the faith in holy fellowship.

Resource round-up: faith at home

The good news is that there are so many wonderful and creative ways to do faith formation in the home. Making faith a part of our family doesn’t require that we spend hours sitting in straight-backed chairs while someone reads from the Bible in a monotone voice, nor does it require a divinity degree or encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible on the part of the parents. It does require time, attention, and conversation, as we create habits that help us acknowledge Christ and his presence within our homes.

The real secrets of successful pastors

Fr. Jonathan Mitchican considers the four secrets of successful pastors.

Mrs. Truax and the importance of Sunday School

Every Sunday, throughout most of my elementary school years, Mrs. Truax taught a class of one: me.


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