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Task Force on the Study of Marriage

‘A Matter of Grave Consequence’

Seven responses from other Anglican provinces express a consensus that changing the Church’s historic doctrine of marriage is a serious matter.

Same-sex Marriage Update

Essay drafts will soon be sent to theologians, ethicists, pastors, social scientists, and educators.

Evaluate a Study Guide

The Task Force on the Study of Marriage is studying responses to its Dearly Beloved toolkit.

Continuing the discussion on marriage: the TFSM, Augustine, and a new essay

The Episcopal Church's consideration of marriage continues on, and Fr. Jeremy Bergstrom has offered an essay in response to Fully Alive, discussing Augustine's view of marriage.

Marriage Study Continues

Brian Taylor: “We have been asked to look at a wide variety of relationships and households other than marriage.”

The substance of the argument

Bishops from across the theological spectrum engaged in substantive debate: they cited Scripture, the rubrics of the prayer book, their own ordination vows, and the Constitution and Canons, all of which were deemed relevant to the issue.

End ‘Sacramental Apartheid’

Susan Russell: “It is time to let our yes be yes, and end what is nothing less than de facto sacramental apartheid.”

Prayer Book Discrimination?

Testimony compares Book of Common Prayer’s marriage rite with Confederate flag.

Sic et non: Marriage Task Force

Featuring essays by Wesley Hill, Garwood Anderson, and A.K.M. Adam

Bishop: Heed the Constitution

Bishop Johnston: “end run” could “bring a degree of discredit to what we are trying to affirm as true and right.”


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