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Sunday's Readings

2 Easter, Year C: From Captivity to Freedom

To believe and to have life in his name is a true sharing in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, of which you and I are privileged witnesses.

Easter, Year C: Joy and Victory

Christ is alive, and he is our one true and final joy.

Palm Sunday, Year C: The Son of Man

The story of Jesus, from beginning to end, is a story of love for the world.

New: 4/10 TLC Online

Telling the Holy Week story through artwork, the campaign for PHoD, and exhausting fulfillment through foster parenthood.

4 Lent, Year C: A New Point of View

In the Gospel story, evil is not ignored. God is not mocked. Justice is served, though in a way we would never have imagined.

3 Lent, Year C: Not Consumed

God hears our cries of affliction and comes to set us free, free to worship him without fear, free to be, in the deepest and truest sense, ourselves.

2 Lent, Year C: Death and Resurrection

SUNDAY’S READINGS | 2 Lent, March 13, 2022 Gen. 15:1-12, 17-18 Ps. 27 Phil. 3:17-4:1 Luke 13:31-35 “At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to , ‘Get...

1 Lent, Year C: Trial and Victory

Within our mortal lives, another deathless life is at work, the Spirit of Christ. Christ brings us through affliction, toil, oppression, and death.

Last Epiphany, Year C: Brighter Than the Noonday Sun

As children of Christ, we are children of the light.

7 Epiphany, Year C: Love Shed Abroad

Incredibly, the divine spirit of love creates a community of love among former enemies.


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