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Trauma-Informed Ministry

A wounded healer has to have done the work of self-examination before they can rightly companion someone else’s examinations.

Assisted Death and the Church’s Vocation

The "assisted dying" conversation already includes children, those whom the initial legislation sought to protect.

Suicide, Sin, and Grace

What does the Church have to offer in the face of increasing suicide rates and a rising mental health crisis?

Walker Percy and the Search for Meaning

Humanity’s search for understanding, meaning, and purpose haunted Percy and is a major theme of his oeuvre.

U.K. Island Rejects Suicide Proposal

Much to the satisfaction of campaigners opposing the change, the Guernsey Parliament voted to work on better care for terminally ill people.

Neil Gorsuch: Pro-life Episcopalian

Someday, perhaps, it will no longer be considered provocative for a Supreme Court nominee to believe that all human life is intrinsically valuable.

The craft of suffering

The Christian experience of suffering is distinctive. “Pain without God is intolerable. Everything in our culture flows from this ‘without God’; and, in this case, pain therefore sweeps everything before itself.”

Preventable Deaths

The Rev. Bernadine Craft appears in a new televised discussion of suicide prevention.

The cruelty of Christmas

A part of me hates Christmas; a part of me curses Christmas — and the infant Christ just lays there and stares.

‘Some Slopes Are Slippery’

The Archbishop of Canterbury writes in opposition to physician-assisted suicide.


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