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Jesus Answers Job (Pent. 23, Year B)

Our sufferings and our bitter argument against the apparent silence of God are deeply heard and deeply felt by he who bears them.

A Catena on the Cross

In her 2017 The Cross: History, Art, and Controversy, Robin Jenson notes that among the memorials of the World Trade Center attacks is a...

Of Suffering and Joy

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he existed in the form of God, did not regard...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant (Thomas Kincaid)

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And...

Prayer in Time of Plague

The degree of physical adversity and suffering that was commonplace for our ancestors defies our imagination. We live on the other side of advances...

7/19 Readings: The Consolation of Divine Presence

God is among every family, language, people, and nation; God is the hope of all the ends of the earth.

The Plague and the Pandemic

By Neil Dhingra Unsurprisingly, amidst this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Albert Camus’ The Plague has again become popular. According to the writer Samuel Earle, in Japan...

Rest for Your Souls

Spiritual director Marcia Hotchkiss urges the Church to "share a little more hope, a little more Jesus," in these times of great suffering and uncertainty.

On Death, Grief, and Redemptive Suffering

By William Yale My mother died of pancreatic cancer at age fifty-six; I was fifteen. For ten months, she endured chemotherapy and radiation treatment, until...

The Cup is What He Gives You

We see in our readings that when Jesus prays for us to be united to him and to the Father, there is then no other way we can choose if we are to be blessed, apart from the one that the Father gives Jesus.


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