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staying in

7 reasons for making space: traditionalists, TEC, ACoC

Why should the Episcopal Church allow clergy or dioceses to hold views contrary to its recent decisions? The Bishop of Dallas gives 7 reasons.

Why I remain

As a conservative, why do I remain in the Anglican Church of Canada? Here are five reasons.

No safe place except hope: Global struggles and the Anglican vocation

We cannot found our Christian witness on a few contested social practices, like same-sex marriage, nor measure our hope on the basis of our success in struggles to have them rejected or accepted.

No safe place except hope: A scriptural response to the Anthropocene

We are told in Scripture of a time of judgment, not in order to despair, but in order to be true.

No safe place except hope: The Anthropocene epoch

I do not believe the current developments over same-sex marriage in our churches represent a critical threshold moment. That moment, as I will point out, passed long ago in some sense.


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