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Stanley Hauerwas

Pastoral Ministry: Not a Call to Make the World a Better Place

By Cole Hartin I take the warning from the Epistle of James to heart: What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have...

Hauerwas, Thiselton: Two Very Different Theological Styles

Theology is not neat and tidy, but is messy and incomplete, which invites other voices into the conversation for our mutual enrichment: there is...

Pipelines, Perspectives, and Loving Our Neighbor

On the Trans Mountain Pipeline, Christians advocate on both sides of the debate. As with so many political realities today, we are engulfed and enlisted by our society’s divisions.

Generous theologian’s theologian

Lindbeck saw early and clearly that the only way to sustain the Catholic character of the Church depended on the Church looking more Anabaptist than universalist.

Eerdmans Interviews Hauerwas

Stanley Hauerwas of Duke University joins host Philip Zoutendam for the first episode of ‘The Eerdcast.’

A way forward together (2): ecclesiology

If we are indeed to hold together as a church and a Communion, we need a framework and a shared understanding that will last.

A reflection on Hannah’s Child

Reading Stanley Hauerwas for the first time was a bit like drinking from a new well only to find that the water tastes much the same as the old one. That analogy might almost be a definition of orthodoxy.

Hauerwas Cancels GTS Lectures

Stanley Hauerwas on General Theological Seminary: “What student is going to go there?”

Relearning the gospel

Stanley Hauerwas, the man whom Time once called “America’s Best Theologian” said, “The future of the church is not found in things like this; the future is doing the same thing Sunday after Sunday.”


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