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Why God’s First Language Is Not Silence

Silence is just one of the many, crazily multiplied languages God uses to get through to us.


We keep ourselves busy with school and work and play — all to avoid being alone in a quiet room. We fill our lives with distractions to avoid knowing ourselves, to avoid seeing and thinking about what we are, where we come from, where we are going.

Settle Your Soul

The Power of Silence will make you uncomfortable with your prayer habits, or lack thereof, and may well convince those who are unsure of the need for contemplation and silence.

If You Have the Stomach, See First Reformed Twice

First Reformed is a testimony that sometimes movies ask something of us.

Silence, Sound, and the Power of God

That sound and silence are perceived as alternatives, rather than ordered portions of a single reality of divine beauty, is one of the great perversions of modern culture.

The Sound of Silence

It is Good Friday, when the silence of God is stronger than the noise of men.

Reading Luke’s Transfiguration: An Icon and a Lenten Manifesto

What is it that Peter, John, and James perceive when they follow Jesus up the mountain and enter into the silence of Tabor? Not “words” as they are wont to hear them, but speech, singular and purified.

The many faces of silence

How can we speak up in the current political climate, when our language no longer makes sense to most of the people who hear it? I don’t think we can. Not really.

Sympathy for Judas: Martin Scorcese’s Silence

How is one supposed to understand Fr. Rodrigues in Martin Scorsese's film?

Teaching pastoral theology with the Book of Job

How do we encourage people to put themselves into the place of Job, so they see that God is really the one to whom they may need to complain and from whom they need to hear?


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