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seminary education

Setting the Believers an Example: Strategy and Tactics in Online Seminary Education

By Hannah W. Matis I appreciated Kirk Smith’s recent piece, published on this blog, on his tenure as the interim dean of CDSP and the several...

Why Study Biblical Languages?

By Paul D. Wheatley “And there in the dark pools amid the Gladden Fields,” said, “the Ring passed out of knowledge and legend; and...

At 161 Years, SIM Retools

The Society for the Increase of the Ministry has raised substantial new money, preparing to play a broader role in helping candidates for ordination.

Six Goals of a Seminary Education

Here are my reflections after 50 years in theological education within the Episcopal Church and wider Anglican Communion.

EDS Net Assets Drop 11%

Trustees have “redoubled our commitment to finding a more sustainable and prudent future for [EDS].”

From chapel to classroom — and back again

One of the things I love about teaching in a seminary is how easily I can make connections between various subjects of study. One can see why our forebears bequeathed this institutional model to us.


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