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Pittsburgh Seminary Adds Anglican/Episcopal Track

Bp. Dorsey McConnell: At Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, “ministers can be shaped in the ethos of Anglican tradition and practice while enjoying all the advantages of a rich ecumenical environment.”

Trinity Wall Street Acquires CDSP

Trinity Wall Street has unleashed a chunk of its $8 billion in assets to reach across the country to Berkeley, Calif.

Bloy House Looks to its Future

Amid Claremont School of Theology’s planned move to Oregon, Bloy House looks toward low-residency relationship.

Union Seminary’s Tower Preview

Patch: “Union Theological Seminary is partnering with developers Lendlease and L+M Development to build a new 40-story tower on its campus.”

Layman Leads Nashotah House

Garwood P. Anderson has been appointed as the first layman to lead Nashotah House Theological Seminary as provost and president.

Theology Upon the Granite

In Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Atlantic School of Theology continues its 47-year tradition of adapting to a challenging environment and a changing church.

Bishops Kill Seminaries Inquiry

Bishops have defeated Resolution A007 that proposed investigating how Episcopal seminaries operate in areas from budgeting to sharing their resources.

Deans Oppose Seminary Investigation

Lisa Kimball of VTS: “[A] mandated resolution that begins with the word investigation … is far more likely to foster skepticism, resentment, suspicion, and ultimately resistance.”

Filling an Educational Void

When Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) left Cambridge, Massachusetts, last year for New York City, the move gave rise to a new void and a...

Back to the future

We need to rediscover and to revive the vocation of the seminary at precisely the moment of its greatest risk.


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