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Sean Rowe

Accord Urged in Cases Against Bishop Howard

Two cases against retired Bishop Samuel Johnson Howard hinge on whether the bishop and the Presiding Bishop can agree on an accord. Failing that, the cases move to public hearings on April 30.

Sean Rowe Seated as 28th Presiding Bishop

“We need to find the face of Christ in the faces of marginalized,” Bishop Rowe said, adding that in Christ’s kingdom, “the people at the edge are in the center.”

Presiding Officers Attack Trump’s Deportation Plans

Presiding Bishop Rowe and President of the House of Deputies Ayala Harris decry a series of executive orders signed by the president just after taking office and call for “mercy and compassion” for those threatened with deportation.

Singh Family Objects to Church’s Response

The Singh family has released a letter written on December 29, telling Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe that it finds the pastoral response “deeply inadequate.”

Bishops Discuss Church Center Realignment

“Administrative burden strains our capacity at the congregational and diocesan level. It actually inhibits our ability to focus on that core work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ,” said the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya of Minnesota, the host bishop.

Leaders Comment on Archbishop’s Resignation

Most Anglican leaders reaffirmed their commitments to protecting the vulnerable, and some also spoke with gratitude for Welby’s leadership and assured him of their prayers.

Parochial Report Data Says Pandemic Era Has Ended

The Rev. Molly James, interim executive officer of General Convention, celebrated a 10.69 percent increase in average Sunday attendance across the Episcopal Church, and said the church’s long-term membership decline showed signs of plateauing.

Rowe Offers Vision of ‘Strong, Adaptive’ Church

Insight Global’s study revealed a passion for the church’s mission among church center staff coupled, with an organizational culture plagued by territoriality and resistance to change. Bishops reported that support from the church center was poorly defined, and that they were especially in need of more support in handling Title IV matters, evangelism, and crisis communications.

Episcopal Leaders Call for Open Hearts in Election Aftermath

Bishop Matthew Gunter: “Keeping our hearts supple toward neighbors, strangers, and enemies—supple toward those whose political choices baffle or offend us—is hard. But this is at the core of the Christian message and of Christian practice.”

Presiding Bishop Rowe Begins Changing Staff

In his first weekday on the job, November 4, Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe announced three departures from his staff and three new appointments.


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