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Changing Trains on Liturgical Revision

Liturgical revision has passed at General Convention, but not in the anticipated form.

Prayer Book Revision: 2 Options

“The SCLM hopes to call our church into mutual and reasoned discernment about the future of our prayer book.”

More SCLM Videos

Liturgists from Brazil, England, and Japan discuss revisions to their prayer books.

Bishops: Plan for BCP Revision

Resolution asks that the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music prepare a plan for prayer-book revision.

Reclaiming time

“Seven times a day do I praise thee; because of thy righteous judgments”, sang the Psalmist. In an age when the motion of the clock seems increasingly without form and void, ordering time according to the rhythms of grace is a subversive act.

Funerals, Creeds, Baptisms

“No single prayer or statement can convey the entirety of the Christian faith.”

Redefining Marriage?

By Leander S. Harding A draft report envisions far more than a pastoral provision for same-sex couples.


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