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The Viaticum of a Victim Mentality

From all disordered and sinful affections; and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil, Good Lord, deliver us. — The Great...

Body, Broken

Violence, Trauma, and the Eucharist Content warning: violence, trauma, abuse. By Hannah King Two years ago my brother died violently. I did not witness the end of...

The Unselfish Pastor

A pastor is called according to the ministry of Jesus himself, who gave up his life for the world.

Spiritual Sacrifices: A Sermon for Seminarians

Only in light of the confession of Jesus as Lord can we come to a right understanding of who we are. The church is indeed holy, a temple enabled to offer sacrifice. But its holiness is derivative of his, its sacrifice is the pleading of his for the sake of the world.

Offering Our Selves

As Christ offered himself, we offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice in Christ.

What We Remember on Remembrance Day

In Canada and the British Commonwealth, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day, a day in which the dead of World War I are brought to mind.

Martin Luther King Jr., 1929-1968

“Grant that your Church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The sore thumb, indispensable to the body

When a certain burden must be borne by some more than others, do we suddenly adopt the pirate’s code that Those who fall behind are left behind?

No end to sacrifice: Mitchell and Meyers, Praying Shapes Believing

Dix led us astray on offering. Because of this, Mitchell and Meyers have both extended energy on a largely empty debate.

No end to sacrifice: The legacy of Gregory Dix

Gregory Dix's position on the Eucharist, offering, and sacrifice has loomed large over all later discussion of the topic, in the academy and the Church.


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