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The Sabbath and the Dignity of the Weak

If you cannot keep the Sabbath, you cannot save a life. This is Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s bold implication in his little-known essay “Pikuach Neshama.”...

A Helpful, Accessible Introduction

Reclaiming Rest The Promise of Sabbath, Solitude, and Stillness in a Restless World By Kate H. Rademacher Broadleaf, pp. 213, $16.99 Review by Abigail Woolley Cutter Kate Rademacher’s Reclaiming...

The Way of Love: Rest

By Garwood P. Anderson “Come, Labor On.” Most Episcopalians will know that hymn, #542 in our 1982 Hymnal, to the tune of Ora Labora (Pray...

The Fourth Commandment: The Sabbath — Fulfilled But Not Obsolete

Part of a series on the Ten Commandments. By Abigail Woolley Cutter Of the ten, the command to observe Sabbath has undoubtedly been the most difficult for...

Alms from the church

On Dec. 31, St. Dunstan's Church in Houston will give the proceeds of a special capital campaign to celebrate the Jubilee year of its founding.

Consider your children, how they grow

What price do we really pay for our omni-technologized lives, and will our kids foot the bill?

Resources for practicing Sabbath rest

I feel … thin. Sort of stretched, like … butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday.  — Bilbo...


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