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richard hays

Remembering Richard Hays: Theologian of the Cross, Member of the New Community

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all,” said Paul to one of his churches (2 Cor. 3:2). The life and work of Richard Hays (1948-2025) is such a letter, and it will no doubt echo in the life of the church.

Reading Scripture like a Christian

Richard Hays shows that a distinctively Christian reading of the Scriptures is readily defensible once one learns how to read well.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Misreading Romans 1 and Richard Hays

Paul refers to a fallen humanity tragically caught up in rebellion against God and his created order, whether a person is beset by covetousness, gossip, or sexual sins.

An academic and pastoral lens

Richard Hays offers an exemplary commentary on 1 Corinthians, naming the challenges and exploring how we can honestly engage with a biblical text we seek to make authoritative in our lives and our Church.


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