Bishop Stephen Andrews asks, how will sanctioned suicide affect one’s family and friends? What are the consequences for the community of which a suffering person is a part? Every human being is caught up in a web of interdependence.
On Ash Wednesday
By Eugene R. Schlesinger
With my penchant for the melancholy, I’ve always resonated with what we might consider the “downer” moments of the...
What Sir Paul McCartney Understands About Contrition That Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, and Elvis Did Not (Nor Most Current Public Apologizers)
By Neal Michell
We live...
Part of a series on The Way of Love. Other previous entries are available here.
By Charlie Clauss
Presiding Bishop Curry should be applauded for his work...
The Yankee is comfortable in his complacency about racial inequality in the United States, imagining himself unsullied by the slaving stains of American history....
I would like conservative Christians reading this to better understand the larger picture from the perspective of people who have been harmed, and to consider for themselves personally and in their own churches how they may have been complicit in that harm, so that we can have more authentic and loving relationships with our neighbors.