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religious life

The Hidden Life of St. Charles of Jesus

By Mac Stewart At the end of his October 2020 Encyclical on “Fraternity and Social Friendship,” Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis referred to a figure (besides...

Universally Accessible and Innately Personal: The Significance of Relationship in St. Benedict’s Humility

By Elizabeth Elin In a world fraught with desperation and insecurity, humility appears to be an antiquated virtue, frequently discarded due to its destructive effect...

A Spiritual Tool for Social Distancing

By Mother Miriam, CSM In a large group of people, it is easy to get lost, think your own thoughts, find like-minded thinkers or feelers,...

The Hidden Lives of the Church’s Religious (Part Two)

The external witness of vowed religious — habits, cloister, the Opus Dei (the daily round of psalms, hymns, and collects recited in chapel) — are the first things Christians notice about the monastics among them. But, of course, that is not the whole story of the charism and fruit of the religious life

The Hidden Lives of the Church’s Religious (Part One)

Why have so many religious communities determined that the distinctive separation of religious men and women from the laity is a problem to be erased?

Two Perspectives on the Founder of Taizé

By Andreas Westergren There is a moving image of frère Roger (Roger Schütz), the founder of the Taizé community in southern France, somewhere in a...

Requiem for a Nun: On Staying When Friends Leave

It was cold and damp the day the last Anglican mass was celebrated in the chapel at All Saints Convent...It was a Requiem

A Novena for Vocations to the Monastic Life

I ask readers of Covenant to join with me in praying for vocations to the religious life.

The religious life and faithful flourishing in the Episcopal Church

A flourishing parish will raise up future monks and nuns who are willing to dedicate their lives to poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Tightly woven: Anglican parishes and religious orders

When I look at my cross from Ascot Priory, I thank God for those nuns whose prayers sustain the work I do.


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