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World Refugee Day Video

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: “When World Refugee Day comes on June 20, I invite you and ask you — help the refugees of this day.”

Worship Shapes Welcome

Regular churchgoers are less likely to be hostile to immigration than people who call themselves Christians but do not attend church very often.

A film honors parish life

‘All Saints’ is commendable in presenting the parish church as the irreplaceable Christian community.

Abp. Welby on Sudan

Justin Welby on peace in Sudan: “I don’t know the answer but we are disciples of Jesus Christ, the resurrected one.”

Be Alert to Possibilities

The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri, reflects on the principle of sanctuary.

Singing Welcome

The Hymn Society gathers hymns related to welcoming refugees and immigrants.

Plan for Compassion

Offering sanctuary to immigrants requires knowing the law, facing resistance, and committing for the long haul.

A Refugee Voice at Fringe

Still Here traces the nine-day journey of a man who fled Eritrea, one of the most repressive countries in Africa.

Canadians Help Syrians

Assistance will go to thousands of families left homeless by the war in Syria.

On the Magi: Perennial problem

Unsightly reaction incited: my perennial problem.


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