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reading scripture

Consecrated Reading

I was blessed to be raised by a mother and father who loved the Lord. If I woke up early enough, it was a certainty...

Seven Arrows of Bible Reading

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly...

Summer Camp as Catechetical Lectio Divina

By Joseph Roberts Lectio divina, the ancient practice of reading and meditating on Scripture, has seen a huge resurgence as of late. You can now...

Listening with the Heart

I have always been a reader. Going to the public library weekly was an activity that I treasured as a child. When my faith became...

Maintaining a Diet of the Word

By David Barr It is certainly no secret at this point that liturgy has made a comeback. I don’t know whether the increase in traditional...

Words of Eternal Life

Just as baptism leads to identification with Jesus’s divine Sonship, making us by adoption what belongs to Jesus by nature, so too in John this baptism-like scene provokes an understanding of our ongoing identification with and consideration of our life in Christ.

Reading Contemplatively

While the decline of contemplative reading is a problem for the professor, it’s a threat to the Christian, especially those of us operating within a sacramental tradition.

Top 10 rules for reading the Bible

Reading the Bible is often a challenge. It can be confusing and troubling, and it is easy to be deceived. These ten guidelines are not the Alpha and Omega of successful biblical interpretation. But perhaps they are useful touchstones.


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