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Wait for It: Praying the Psalms in Community

The irony for the officiant is that the only way to promote harmony among the various voices at prayer is to focus on their own. The role of the officiant is to pray through the chaos so the chaos can eventually find order through the prayers. The officiant must be attentive to all who are praying, but not at the expense of their own prayers.

ACNA’s Renewed Coverdale Psalter

We should not expect to hear BBC Evensongs using the Renewed Coverdale Psalter anytime soon, but it is a great option for contemporary North American parishes.

The Prayer Book and the Non-Denominational Pastor

All I knew about the Anglicans was what Wikipedia had told me on the day before I applied.

The Daily Office

The Daily Office is one of the acknowledged treasures of the Anglican tradition, and a central obligation of the clergy.

Glorious apparel

Mightier than the sound of many waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea, mightier is the LORD who dwells on high.

Neutering Jesus

Let us not create a Church so “inclusive” that Jesus himself is not welcome in it.

Listening to the cicadas

Cicadas, like everything else, have a divine origin: “All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being” (John 1:3).

Thanksgiving, remembrance, and the ‘whole Christ’ in the Psalms

Do the historical psalms simply retell stories we read in a more gripping form in the Pentateuch and elsewhere?

Reflection on the Psalms

W. David O. Taylor provides resources for readers inspired by Bono and Eugene Peterson’s video discussion.

Global Briefs for Aug. 17

Youth lose interest in free speech; mobile Psalms; and St. Columba’s grave


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