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Steps for Flourishing in Ministry

Clergy who are thriving in ministry tend to be intentional about health, maintain good boundaries, and stay focused on God’s mission rather than dwell on their members’ criticisms. They also pause to celebrate.

Rewarding, Not Easy, Listening

The Majesty of the Flesh and Mother of God are punctuated with lyrics rooted in Bozeman’s Orthodox faith, which makes his lyrical voice distinct in America’s musical scene.

Saving Pauli Murray’s Roots

Mayme Webb-Bledsoe describes a Durham neighborhood’s efforts to win recognition for Pauli Murray’s home.

Pastoral love, pastoral care

Part of the art of pastoral leadership is the abiding sense, firmly planted in the people of God, that their pastor's love for them is there from the start.

You are a Victorian priest (sort of)

The struggle of priests has nearly always been to relate to their flocks — to be, in Pope Francis’ memorable phrasing, “shepherds with the smell of sheep.”

One needful thing

The first definition of the human creature is "homo adorans": a mortal is first a priest. The Son of Adam or Daughter of Eve stands in the center of the world and unifies it by blessing God.


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