Five nominees for Presiding Bishop tackled questions about church structure, reconciliation, self-care, and leadership in a well-attended pre-election forum.
“I think I was elected to help the church to reclaim our faith in Jesus Christ — to see Jesus of Nazareth and his way of love as the defining paradigm for what it means to be a Christian, and to not be apologetic about that.”
I did not anticipate early morning FaceTime conversations about the Buffalo Bills and America’s Got Talent, or the relative merits of various brands of hot sauce.
He made the sign of the cross on my forehead, held his hands on my head and offered an earnest prayer. He said “Amen” in that deep, rich voice, and then looked me in the eyes and said, “Now go preach the gospel, my brother.”
Bishop Curry has a deep and wide-ranging giftedness — of passion for the gospel, justice among people and peoples, and collegiality — which has been honed over 45 years of ordained ministry.