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presidential election

Connecting (Episcopal) Church and State

The Office of Government Relations has developed a toolkit for civic engagement.

Not Just a Slogan

Presiding Bishop Curry: “‘The Episcopal Church Welcomes You’ is who we seek to be and the witness we seek to make.”

Hate your own political party

Jesus’ words might mean, “Whoever does not hate his own political party cannot be my disciple.”

Circle Asks About the Poor

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry joins nearly 80 religious leaders in an open draft letter about care for the poor.

Bishops: Pray for the Nation

“The current rhetoric is leading us to construct a modern false idol out of power and privilege.”

Politics, Ashes, and Easter

By David L. Holmes In the Bible and in the Quran, forty is the number traditionally used to signify a solemn period during which God reveals his purposes to his people.


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