By Christopher. J. Coome
There is a certain privilege that comes with being a convert. Not only do we experience that hallowed “conversion moment,” but...
By Frederick W. Schmidt
For a variety of reasons over recent years, I have found myself reflecting on the increasingly fractious nature of public dialogue,...
By Mike Michielin
Many today are “perplexed by desire and what it says about who we are as human beings.” Typically, today’s philosophers, psychologists, educators,...
This bundle of ideas — nihilism, atheism, the need to create our values, the reduction of everything to power — lies behind much that is deeply problematic in our time.
Whatever else postliberalism is, it was meant to be an apologetic help to be a credal or mere Christian in our age. That is what George Lindbeck was and what he wanted to promote.
In the Analogical Turn, Johannes Hoff’s chief argument is that at the very birth of modern times, Nicholas of Cusa offered a path-not-taken, one definitively forward-looking.
With the wisdom of hindsight, I realize the preconditions for this situation have been clicking into place from at least the Sixties when I was in university and seminary.
Star Wars was certainly not the fullness of the Christian hope and faith, but a new light was shining in a culture that had only 11 years before celebrated the “Death of God” on the cover of Time.
A common appreciation for the aesthetic of liturgy seems to be the one commonality that progressives and conservatives share in North American Anglicanism.