Being Here
Prayers for Curiosity, Justice, and Love
By Pádraig Ó Tuama
Eerdmans, 175 pages, $22.99
Collected Poems (1973-2021)
By Travis T. DuPriest
DuPriest Books, 240 pages, $27.95
Certain poems read like prayer....
Mia Anderson’s versatility as an actor was evident at the book launch of her latest work, O Is for Christmas: A Midwinter Night’s Dream, at St. Thomas’s Anglican Church in Toronto.
Lord Harries draws attention to George Herbert’s awareness of his sinfulness, and rightly points out that this is something modern people, including many modern Christians, would like to avoid thinking about.
Having much appreciated Jane Clark Scharl’s brilliant criticism on topics from Milton to Flannery O’Connor, I had very high expectations for her two recently...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Compared to the music of Haydn and Mozart, that of Dieterich Buxtehude...
Coleridge is a monthly digest of noteworthy items in theology and the arts.
Contemporary Art
Mark K. Spencer reviews Beautiful Ugliness: Christianity, Modernity, and the Arts...