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On Growing Old

By Philip Turner It is simply the case that everyone ages and everyone dies. Further, in aging, everyone, in small or large ways, becomes a...

What Does Prayer Do?

What is it, exactly, that prayer is meant to do? We can begin with the theologian Oliver Crisp, who writes that prayer is often considered...

The Fullness of Time

By Eugene R. Schlesinger   But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,  in...

The Waybread of Our Waiting

By Ian Olson  “I am weary, O God,” the compiler of Israel’s wisdom complains, “I am weary, O God, and worn out” (Prov. 30:1), summoning...

Wanted: Field Guide to Adjudicate Communion across Distance

By Christopher Wells I come to the conclusion of my series on the visibility and invisibility of the Church (part 1, part 2, part 3)....

Learning to Be God’s Child

Unlike me, God is patient. God is good. God doesn’t need us to pay attention to him but he keeps working at us anyway.

Five Theses on Church Discipline

None of us, it seems, is fully practicing what the New Testament envisions for church discipline.

Methodists and Anglicans: Lingering differences

Bishops, creeds, Eucharist — Anglican and Methodist stances toward these continue to differ.

Methodists and Anglicans: Zeal and patience

The healing of Anglican-Methodist division requires an honesty about our differences and our history.

Putting the Incarnation back in ‘incarnational’

The Incarnation is not a principle. It is not just a reminder that God works and speaks through people. It is not primarily a model for ministry.


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